Why You Need to Focus on Video Marketing

By 2019, consumer internet video traffic will be 80% of all internet traffic across the world. Video will dominate the internet. Video will be the primary medium for how internet users will consume information. Consumers will also demand high definition.

Video is growing to dominate your audience’s online activity: 78% of people watch videos online every week, and 55% watch videos online every day. If you don’t already have a video marketing strategy in place for your website and social media, you’re missing a tremendous opportunity to reach and engage with your audience.

So how exactly does video marketing affect your site’s SEO, and how can you use it in your content marketing strategy? Below are four key SEO metrics, and some best practices for using video to climb the search engine rankings:
Improved SERP rank
Higher CTR
Lower bounce rates
Quality backlinks

Pages with video are 53x more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results.

Videos Rank in SERPs

Ranking on the Google’s first page is an SEO’s top priority, so it is difficult to ignore the 2009 Forrester study that says “pages with video are 53x more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results.” Yes, that study is five years old, but the point remains – Google SERPs prioritize video results.
Why is video marketing 53x more likely to rank than plain text content? A number of factors influence ranking, but a big one is a recent Google search algorithm update – Hummingbird – which prizes “quality content” over keyword optimization.

Quality video marketing will improve the way you approach SEO. That alone is worth more than all the search engine hacks, tips, and secrets you can dig up.

Video traffic forecast

Video-on-demand traffic will double by 2019, and high definition (HD) will be 70% of this. Social media will be a major driver of video distribution. Facebook and Snapchat

Consumer attitudes towards video

Consumers are becoming more sophisticated, so producing low quality explainer videos will undermine sales. For videos to connect with their target audience, they need to be:
For example, almost two in three people say they would share a video if it was informative. More than half of users say they would share a video if it was inspirational.

Video marketing impact on brands

Video will be critical to effective marketing strategies, and brands who do them well will increase brand engagement. In fact, more than half of all companies are using video in their marketing strategy. Brands who switch from text-based display advertising to video advertising have the best chance of converting leads to sales, especially if they do it on mobile platforms. It is evident when we consider that 18 to 24-year-olds spend 36 minutes per week viewing video content on smartphones, the most of all age demographics.